My daughter’s boyfriend played a role in her kidnap : Mother of murdered nurse speaks

The mother of Georgina Asor Botchwey, the nursing student who was kidnapped and murdered by a pastor and a chief has accused her daughter’s boyfriend of having a hand in her kidnap.

Georgina, 25, was kidnapped, murdered and buried by one self-acclaimed pastor identified as Pastor Michael Darko and a Chief in Mankessim.

According to the mother in an interview, two (2) years ago, her eldest sister identified as Doris informed her that there was a man who has expressed interest in marrying her.

She revealed that the name in question is no other but the same Pastor Michael Darko who has murdered her daughter Georgina.

Fast forward, Pastor Michael joined her and her family in Yeji to officially ask for Doris’ hands in marriage.

After staying in Yeji for a few days, Doris complained that her bag had been tampered with when she woke up one morning.

The pastor’s bag was also missing from the room, and the bag was indeed damaged.

She continued that her daughter suspected one lady staying with them but that lady also denied having any hand in the incident.

Later her daughter’s boyfriend left Yeji and never returned to marry Doris as he had earlier claimed.

Earlier this month, Georgina Asor Botchwey travelled to Cape Coast to write a Nursing school exam when she went missing.

The back born of Georgina then told her senior sister Doris that it was her fiancé, the pastor who went for Asor in the school.

When Pastor Michael was confronted, he denied the allegation but he expressed his willingness to help them search for her but would need an amount of Gh15,000 from her spiritual father.

The mother claims that her personal pastor gave her a call and advised her to confront Doris’s fiancé because he thinks he knows where Asor is.

The pastor’s elder brother visited his home on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, in an effort to coerce the pastor into confessing.

He admitted to kidnapping Asor together with a Chief in Mankessim after receiving a few slaps.

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