Dancegod Lloyd Part Ways With His Manager After 7 Years

Quables, the Manger of Dancegod Llyod, has stromed Twitter with a long thread of shots fired at the dancer.

This comes after reports that Llyod had left the academy due to a misunderstanding with him (Quables).

Dancegod Llyod, a co-founder of the ‘Dance With A Purpose’ (DWP) Academy, was said to be at odds with his other partners prior to rumours of his departure.

The rumors intensified when he was absent from the stage during the Global Citizen Festival Concert, where the team was performing as backup dancers for American singer Usher.

In order to address concerns about his absence from the event, Dancegod took to social media to refute a claim made by his co-founder, Afrobeats, that he had traveled to Nigeria for an equally important assignment.

“Don’t let anyone lie to you. Don’t let them lie to you. I have done what I can do and the rest is up to them. People are ungrateful and they will always be ungrateful. Remember that,”; Dancegod Llyod emphasize in a Tik Tok live video.

But, after a long period of silence about the many events in their camp, Dancegod Llyod’s manager has finally spoken up.

Read his tweets below.


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