FDA Raises Red Flag Over Contaminated Sausages

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) is cautioning the general public against the consumption of AIA Wudy and Pavo sausages.

This comes after the products, produced by Agricola Tre Vali, were recalled by Italian authorities due to the presence of Listeria bacteria in these sausages made from poultry meat.

Two batches with codes 1785417 and 01810919 with an expiration date of November 30, 2022, are implicated.

According to the FDA, following the recall activities ongoing in Europe and other countries, it has also conducted a market surveillance activity and Pavo Frankfurt sausages with an expiry date of November 2022 were found in Ho in the Volta Region.

The products have since been detained for safe disposal. So far, no AIA Wudy sausages have been found on the Ghanaian market.

The FDA has however directed that anyone in possession of the above-mentioned products should immediately take them to either their Head Office or Regional Offices across the country.

“The FDA wishes to assure the public that its surveillance teams continue to monitor the markets for any of the above-mentioned products,” it concluded.

Listeria infection is a foodborne bacterial illness that can be very dangerous for pregnant women, people older than 65 and people with weakened immune systems.

It’s most commonly caused by eating improperly processed deli meats and unpasteurised milk products.

Healthy people rarely become ill from listeria infection, but the disease can be fatal to unborn babies, newborns and people with weakened immune systems.

Prompt antibiotic treatment can help curb the effects of listeria infection.

Listeria bacteria can survive refrigeration and even freezing. So people who are at higher risk of serious infections should avoid eating the types of food most likely to contain listeria bacteria.

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