''2Pac is a Legend, But Kendrick Lamar is The Greatest of All Time'' : Rema Concluded in New Post

It is said that when it comes to opinion everybody is entitled to what they feel, and Afro-beat pop star Rema has disclosed two of America’s most talented rappers, as he released a tweet that reads ‘‘Tupac is a legend, but Kendrick Lamar is the GOAT, and I will forever be grateful he brought me out of depression.”

Below is a screenshot of his tweet:

'' 2Pac is a Legend, But Kendrick Lamar is The Greatest of All Time '' Rema Concluded in New Post

His tweet is highly controversial despite it just being another opinion that is from an artiste that wasn’ born when Tupac was alive and making the whole world go gaga with his music might be something he shouldn’t have his mouth on, as people might just view him to be having one of that moment of an artiste catching cruise, or simply trying to get people’s attention.

Looking at his tweet the only thing that people know to be true is Tupac is a legend, but naming Kendrick The Greatest of All Time is a debatable claim that will never be a yardstick for argument for many people that have followed the rap genre of music keenly.

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