On November 27, Kim Kardashian took to Twitter to break her silence about the viral Balenciaga scandal. Kim explained why she waited so long to publicly address the brand's contentious campaign, which featured children posing with BDSM-inspired items, in her first statement. "I have been quiet for the past few days, not because I haven't been disgusted by the recent Balenciaga campaigns," Kim wrote.
Kim has developed a close relationship with Balenciaga over the last few years. She walked in the brand's fashion show in Paris in July and has worn their clothing several times since. "As a mother of four, I have been shaken by the disturbing images," she continued. The safety of children must be prioritized, and any attempt to normalize child abuse has no place in our society - period. I appreciate Balenciaga's decision to discontinue the campaign and apologize. Speaking with them, I believe they understand the gravity of the situation and will take the necessary steps to ensure that it never happens again."