How To Hold Horse's Reins

When you're mounted, your primary means of communication with your horse are the reins. 

When riding, you wouldn't be able to give your horse crucial instructions without them.

In order to continue asking questions and learning about the correct techniques, you should

first become familiar with the type of reins you're using. Bridles with split reins are used by

western riders. These consist of two long reins that can be tied together at the saddle, one on

each side of the horse's bit. Loop reins, which have a buckle at the end to connect them

together, are frequently used by English riders.

If you're riding someone else's horse, inquire whether it's neck-reined or direct-reined. When

you take hold of one rein to turn a horse in that direction, you are said to be "direct reining"

On the other hand, a horse that is neck-reined will turn when the rein is applied to the

opposite side of the neck.

One rein should be held in each hand when riding a horse with direct reins. Each rein should

be inserted between the third and pinky fingers, rise through a loosely closed fist, and exit

between the tops of the index and middle fingers.

If your horse knows how to neck rein, you should pick up the reins with your index finger

sandwiched between the two distinct reins. With a fist held loosely, let the remaining reins

fall. You should only use one hand to ride a neck rein horse while controlling the reins. That

hand should have its palm facing down toward the saddle and its back facing up.

Your reins should be held between your thumb and pointing finger, fed between your pinky

and ring finger, and then looped out. 

This holding position gives you more control over your hand's sensitivity than if you were

holding outside the pinky.

Additionally, it's crucial to form the shape of a roof with your thumb. To prevent the reins

from slipping out of your hands, press down firmly with your pointer finger. Maintaining a

straight line from your elbow to the horse's mouth is crucial.

A hitchhiker's grip on the reins will cause tension in the hand and make it difficult for you to

supplicate your horse with small movements. A straight line from the elbow to the mouth

must remain intact, so avoid holding your hands too high. Please click here to learn how to

hold a horse's reins.

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