Video Of Regina Daniels Cooking For Ger Family Gets People Talking

Regina Daniels shared a video of her joining her domestic staff to cook for her family and it got people talking.

The actress, who is married to billionaire politician Ned Nwoko, was filmed wiggling her waist as she cooked spaghetti.

Her domestic staff and stepdaughter can be seen in the frame.

The song, Chop Life, was chosen as the background music.

However, viewers were more concerned about the small-sized fish she used in cooking and they compared the “billionaire's wife's” food to theirs.

“Why the food come look poor?” One person wrote.

Another said: “If billionaire's wife they cut fish like me then I go be billionaire soon.”

Others commented on the state of the kitchen which they said is not befitting for a billionaire's wife.

See below.

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