Graves' Disease - A Mother's Urgent Plea for Life-Saving Support


Life can change in an instant, and for Sandra Asante, that moment came when she was diagnosed with

hypothyroidism, specifically Graves' disease, during pregnancy. Despite the challenging circumstances,

Sandra’s strength and resilience have kept her going. Now, this Ghanaian mother faces the daunting

reality of needing urgent surgery and treatment to safeguard her health, and she is calling on the

kindness of strangers for support.

Sandra’s health condition, which affects her thyroid, has progressively worsened since her pregnancy.

Thankfully, her child has been spared from the disease, but Sandra is left to confront a life-threatening

situation. Graves' disease not only impacts her thyroid function but has also affected her vision. Now,

both her thyroid and eyes require urgent surgical intervention, followed by a radioiodine treatment that

can only be completed in India.

Unfortunately, like many others battling severe health conditions, Sandra faces these challenges without

the safety net of financial or familial support. Medical treatment, especially abroad, comes with

overwhelming costs, and Sandra's resources have been stretched to the limit.

Determined to reclaim her health and life, Sandra has taken the brave step of reaching out to the global

community, hoping that generous hearts will come to her aid. Through her GoFundMe campaign, she

hopes to raise enough funds to cover the costs of the surgery and follow-up treatment.

For Sandra, every donation, no matter the amount, represents hope. Hope for a future where she can

be present for her child and live a life free from the pain and uncertainty that Graves' disease has

brought her.

“I’m deeply grateful for any support that comes my way. It’s been a tough journey, but I believe in the

power of community and kindness,” Sandra shares with

If you’re reading this, know that your contribution could be the difference between life and death for

Sandra. Let’s join hands to give this young mother a fighting chance.

Support Sandra’s journey by contributing to her GoFundMe here.

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